Wine report Italy June 2022

Wine report Italy June 2022

Wine report Italy June 2022

Here is the point on wine in Italy in June 2022. As far as the state of the vineyards is concerned, the situation is currently excellent everywhere. The flowering has been completed in every region with very positive and homogeneous results.
For this reason, together with the crisis in raw materials, the war in Ukraine and the consequent great uncertainties at international level, the Italian wine market is very quiet, with withdrawals slower than expected and with a general level of prices in slow but steady decline, especially for the red berry types.
Finally, on a meteorological level, great concern is the continuing drought in Italy, especially in the centre/north of the Country. Should it continue in the coming months, the drought will have a negative impact on the current good prospects for the next harvest.

We will continue to keep you updated.
Carlo Miravalle, Miravalle 1926