The Ismea-Qualivita 2020 Report published in December – and referred to the year 2019 – for the agri-food and wine sectors Dop and IGP in Italy marks a + 4.2%. The total value of production stood at € 16.9 billion.
A note from Ismea (Institute of services for the agricultural food market) underlines how “in 2019 there was a positive change in the economic impact for 17 out of 20 regions in Italy. A fact that confirms the trend recorded for some years now, that is an evolution that goes beyond the large production districts thanks to the growth and affirmation of economic poles around PDO PGI products in various territories of Italy. Economic data, therefore, which depend above all on the consolidation of large certified productions, but are also the result of the affirmation of “minor” supply chains and of new PDO and PGI products: in the Food sector alone, over 50 million of production value refer to registered products in the last 5 years, while the value of GIs certified since 2010 is close to half a billion euros ”.
Export smiles too. In fact, both PDO and PGI agri-food and wine-making confirm very important performances. In particular, the growth in value was + 5.1% on the previous year, equal to 9.5 billion euros for a weight of 21% in the overall export of Italian agri-food.
“The greatest contribution to this result – Ismea emphasizes – is provided by the wine sector with a value of over 5.6 billion, even if the value of agri-food PDOs and PGIs destined for foreign markets is growing, registering a + 7.2% every year. Therefore, overall growth is confirmed which, in the last ten years, has consolidated the leading role abroad of Made in Italy agri-food quality with a trend of + 162% for PDO PGI agri-food since 2009 and + 74% for the wine sector since 2010 “.

The Italian domestic market confirms the general data, with some differences. Taking into consideration only fixed weight sales in large-scale distribution, in 2019 there was a growth of + 4.6% for PDO PGI food and wine production, with a positive sign over double that of the total agri-food sector, attested to a + 2.1%.
“Confirmed trend – Ismea closes – also in the first half of 2020, which saw a strong general increase in sales in the GDO channel, due to the effects of the Covid-19 emergency, in which fixed weight sales of PDO PGI products grew of + 12%, once again with a much more sustained increase than that of the total agri-food (+ 9.2%), confirming a growing awareness of consumers towards Geographical Indication products ”.