Récolte 2020

Récolte 2020

Récolte 2020

Nous avons interrogé nos partenaires mondial sur le développement de la nouvelle récolte (Récolte 2020 ) dans leurs Pays de l’Emisphère Sud du monde, Australie, Nouvelle Zelande , Argentine, Chili et Afrique du Sud. A suivre pour vous les premières impressions sur les récoltes en cours , où bien sûr elles sont dejà démarrées et les prix attendus. Nous sommes bien sûr à votre complète disposition pour vous donner plus d’information ou détails si nécessaire.
Miravalle 1926 – Agence du Vin Import-Export – Courtiers de Vin


  • Grape pricing is up 10-15%
  • The white grape crop is down 20%
  • Red Grapes are down 30%
  • A small amount of area has smoke taint, mainly in the premium regions such as Hunter Valley, Yarra Valley and other small regions
  • Water prices are high – which has increased the grape pricing
  • Coronavirus has affected domestic sales, they have been slow and we expect that a 3 month lag in exporting to china will be in place
  • Early wine prices indicate that there is an increase by 15-20% for red and white wines (domestic contracts)

We will be able to have a more realistic summary around Prowein, where we expect the vintage for the commercial regions to be finalized.


  • It’s very early as harvest has not really started
  • Very little frost so the crop is looking to be on average – so not down nor up
  • Pricing is stable NZ $3.85 – $4 FOB Sauvignon Balance
  • Sauvignon Blanc is still very much in demand, but there are still some parcels of 2019 available


Crop in Argentina has started in some regions and it will be general in about 2 weeks. We are expecting a fall around 15-20% compared to last year mainly due to late frost during Spring in some areas. We have a large stock of red wines from previous crop but not that much in whites which price has started to rise due little by little. This is also affecting price of grape juice for concentrate.

We still have competitive prices compared to other countries: White and Red generics can be offered at around USD 25/hl EXW and standard white grape juice concentrate is quoted USD 0,98/kg in bulk EXW. But as I said price for white and WGJC is expected to increase, depending on final figures we get for crop.


Regarding Chile, it has suffered some extreme weather condition during last year and summer, with only little rainfall, so it is also expected a short vintage there although it is still unknown how much it will affect in %. Suppliers of bulk wine are struggling as they know there is no space for price increases in world market so prices are still remaining estable. Big players in chilean industry bought good volumes during last December so they are covered for the moment. 


Good winter rain has caused water dams to fill up in September 2019 at 81,7%. This is much better then in 2018 with 70% and the year of the draught 2017 with 37,4%. All a good indication for a better harvest to come. Warm weather in November and December encouraged rapid growth of the vines. Result was an early start of the harvest in the week of January 20th.

According to first forecasts from the “South African Wine Industry” production quantities will be bigger than in 2019 but smaller than the long-term average. We expect a total harvest of 10,5 Mio. hl.

South Africa has lost some of its market shares in the last years. It is the wine industries goal to gain back some of this lost ground in 2020 also in Europe. Therefor we calculate with attractive prices from South Africa for this harvest 2020.

Wine prices also very much depend on the exchange rate. Please find beside a graphic of the Euro / Rand exchange rate during the last 12 month. Currently the exchange rate is favorably for the export to Europa.